00 is built for developers.
The best solution for self hosted email monitoring.
5 steps to send an email
00 is a single docker image and uses SST to configure AWS.
I encourage you to follow the in depth getting started guide linked below, but this page provides a tldr; answer to how hard is getting started.
Getting started is quick and easy, check out full getting started guide for more detail on each step.- Clone the repository (opens in a new tab)
git clone git@github.com:technomancy-dev/00.git
- Create a .env file with the following variables.
AWS_REGION= # Ex: us-east-1
SQS_URL= # Ex: https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/${id}
SYSTEM_EMAIL= # For sending stuff like password resets. Ex: test@example.com should be able to send from SES.
SECRET_KEY_BASE= # A long secret. at least 64 characters. Can be made with mix phx.gen.secret or however you generate safe keys.
DATABASE_PATH= # Path to SQLite database Ex: 00.db
PHX_HOST= # URL or IP of where this service is running. Ex: example.com
# Needed with Pro
UNSUBSCRIBE_EMAIL= # Some email that your email identity can use to recieve unsubscribe emails.
sst deploy
with your .env loaded (this will create the SNS -> SQS pipeline needed) -
Run the docker container
docker run -it --env-file .env -p 4000:4000 "liltechnomancer/double-zero"
- Send an email:
curl --request POST \
--url http://localhost:4000/api/emails \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <GENERATE A TOKEN IN SETTINGS>' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{
"markdown": "<h1>Boogers</h1>",
"subject": "Hark, who goes there?",
"from": "\"Levi 👻\" <levi@double-zero.cloud>",
"to": "success@simulator.amazonses.com"