
00 is built for developers.

The best solution for self hosted email monitoring.

5 steps to send an email

00 is a single docker image and uses SST to configure AWS.

I encourage you to follow the in depth getting started guide linked below, but this page provides a tldr; answer to how hard is getting started.

Getting started is quick and easy, check out full getting started guide for more detail on each step.
  1. Clone the repository (opens in a new tab) git clone git@github.com:technomancy-dev/00.git
  2. Create a .env file with the following variables.
AWS_REGION= # Ex: us-east-1
SQS_URL=  # Ex: https://sqs.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/${id}
SYSTEM_EMAIL= # For sending stuff like password resets. Ex: test@example.com should be able to send from SES.
SECRET_KEY_BASE= # A long secret. at least 64 characters. Can be made with mix phx.gen.secret or however you generate safe keys.
DATABASE_PATH= # Path to SQLite database Ex: 00.db
PHX_HOST= #  URL or IP of where this service is running. Ex: example.com
# Needed with Pro
UNSUBSCRIBE_EMAIL= # Some email that your email identity can use to recieve unsubscribe emails.
  1. run sst deploy with your .env loaded (this will create the SNS -> SQS pipeline needed)

  2. Run the docker container

docker run -it --env-file .env -p 4000:4000 "liltechnomancer/double-zero"

  1. Send an email:
curl --request POST \
  --url http://localhost:4000/api/emails \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <GENERATE A TOKEN IN SETTINGS>' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
  "markdown": "<h1>Boogers</h1>",
  "subject": "Hark, who goes there?",
  "from": "\"Levi 👻\" <levi@double-zero.cloud>",
  "to": "success@simulator.amazonses.com"