Download Pro

Download Pro

After you purchase 00 pro you will recieve an email with an license key.

You can use that key and download a tar of the pro docker container with the following command. (Make sure to replace YOUR-LICENSE-KEY)

curl -SLOG \
  -d 'auth=license:YOUR-LICENSE-KEY'

Use double-zero-pro-arm64.tar.gz if you need to run on arm64.

You can then use docker load < double-zero-pro.tar.gz to turn the tar into a normal docker container.

Running docker image ls after should reveal a technomancy/double-zero-pro container. That can be hosted wherever you host docker containers.

Made with VHS

All the deployment steps are the same as the open source project (opens in a new tab)

Notes on upgrading.

First, there is no script to migrate the databse. I suggest making a backup if you care to keep the data and then starting fresh.

If you need it migrated please reach out, as I am working on migration scipts.

Also a new set of resources has been added to SST to handle recieving unsubscribe emails. So you will need to run SST again.

Please pull the latest version from github to run it. This will require you set an UNSUBSCRIBE_EMAIL to an email that is tied to an identity you added to SES (like the EMAIL_IDENTITY variable you set)

I use UNSUBSCRIBE_EMAIL="" and my email identitity is "EMAIL_IDENTITY=""

You will also need to set an MX record for that domain to allow AWS to recieve email. It will be the subdomain you use for your UNSUBSCRIBE_EMAIL as the host with the value being where region is replaced with the AWS region you want to recieve mail from like us-east-1.