Send Email

Send Email

Send emails via post to the /api/emails endpoint.

Example Response

  "id": "324492ec-f18a-4d41-97f5-d3a090641c0f"

Example Body

  "to": ["levi@example.com", "skeletor@example.com"],
  "from": "levi@double-zero.cloud",
  "subject": "Do you own your software?",
  "markdown": "# Hello World!",

Body Parameters

tostring/string[]yesThe emails recipient(s)
subjectstringnoThe email`s subject field
fromstringyesThe email address from which the email is sent. Must be something@yourdomain.com. The the domain has to be added to SES and be verified.
markdownstringnoFor the email body. Either markdown or html can be used.
htmlstringnoFor the email body. Either markdown or html can be used.
headersobjectnoAn object containing key/value pairs of headers
provider_optionsobjectnoAn object containing key/value pairs of provider options
attachmentsarraynoAn array containing attachments

from (required)

type: string

to (required)

type: string | string[]

subject (required)

type: string

markdown (required | html)

type: string

html (required | markdown)

type: string