Broadcast Email (Pro)

Broadcast Email (Pro Feature)

Broadcast emails via POST to the /api/emails/broadcasts endpoint.

Example Response

  "id": "324492ec-f18a-4d41-97f5-d3a090641c0f"

Example Body

  "recipients": [
    "levi@example.com", // Simple email, will find contact if it exists.
    {"type": "list", "name": "The cool kids"}, // List saved in 00
      "type": "email",
      "email": "test@example.com",
      "car": { "year": 1992, "make": "Toyota", "model": "Supra" }
    } // Possible contact, with additional info.
  "from": "levi@double-zero.cloud",
  "subject": "Do you own your software?",
  "markdown": "# Hello {{ first_name }}!",
recipientsstring[]/List[]/EmailyesThe emails recipient(s). Can be a list of email strings, or List or Email objects
subjectstringnoThe email`s subject field
fromstringyesThe email address from which the email is sent. Must be something@yourdomain.com. The the domain has to be added to SES and be verified.
markdownstringnoFor the email body. Either markdown or html can be used.
htmlstringnoFor the email body. Either markdown or html can be used.
headersobjectnoAn object containing key/value pairs of headers
provider_optionsobjectnoAn object containing key/value pairs of provider options
attachmentsarraynoAn array containing attachments

Broadcasts support {{ liquid_style }} templates for both HTML and Markdown.

Variables can be passed with the request, attached to recipients, or come from stored contact information. Currently the variables stored on contacts are first_name and last_name.

This allows for templates like

# Hello {{ first_name }},

I am emailing your about your car's extended warranty.
I see you drive a {{ car.year }}, {{ car.make }} {{ car.model }}

from (required)

type: string

recipients (required)

type: string[] | List[] | Email[]

Accepts an array of email addresses, or simple objects list or email defined by the type field.


type: { type: "list", name?: string, id?: string }

List takes either a name which is the name of the list, or id which is it's UUID.

  type: "list",
  name: "Some List"
// OR
  type: "list",
  id: "12345"


type: { type: "email", name: email, [key: string]: any; }

Email simply requires an email field. Anything else you add to this object will be fed into the template variables.

  type: "email",
  email: "test@example.com"

subject (required)

type: string

markdown (required | html)

type: string

html (required | markdown)

type: string